Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Beginning Of The Story Starting Towards the End

I am starting towards the end of this story, but I hope to develop a decent archive of my Niche Dental Morning Meme-Oh! vignettes here on this blog. They have come in various variations, but have come to be a rhyming style that seem to fit the space and the "fun" kind of idea I was hoping to let loose on the world.

Many of the Morning Meme-Oh! vignettes I think make immediate sense, but some portion ended up being riddles (that maybe only my mind's eye could get) and/or others were some very sketchy puns (or just bad). However, overall the writing has been helpful to me as a creativity booster, which I have needed most mornings.

In a more serious vein, about three years ago I was in need of something to get me "back" in the saddle again after about 18 months being mostly out to pasture with chronic back problem. Tweeting became an outlet that required only minimal sitting (bad) or standing (worse) per item completed. Even with many of the symptoms still under the surface and now controlling 90% of them with exercise and some non-narcotic medicine, long articles were erased from my work schedule only recently.

Because of that rise from the ashes experience (a "slight" exaggeration) and inability to write long articles, I also came up with ideas like this, this, this, this and now this, and have been working on these in association with my good friend Oli.

That aside, I am most amazed by my ability to continually write these day after day for 2 years (or more?). In the last few months, even getting one done for the each day of the week. Therefore, I probably have over a thousand of them in my Twitter archive already.

While not each one had a rhyme to it in the beginning, it has actually become easier to write them now even though I have "used up" nearly a thousand rhyming ideas. As far as I know, I have never reused one of them.

The reason for the headline "The Beginning Of The Story Starting Towards The End"partly has to do with my "recovery"but also because I probably won't ever get all of them posted here. I may start with a few months back or less and the proceed from there (as of the moment of this writing I have not decided) .

Of course, I am also envisioning a point where I may come up with a different concept (as in a form that would not be recognized as "it") in the near future. Like the end of 2014 or???

Yet, it's still quite fun to write them now. And hopefully they are enjoyed by many of my Twitter followers. New Morning MEme-Oh!s are posted usually around after 11am and before noon.

I will start a new post for each separate month, as I said starting a few months back - give or take. But may not always get every tweet from that month posted.


Richard The Chwalek (RTC)

FYI: Meme-Oh is a combination of Meme & Memo. Adding "new" word to an old "word" as well as adding some "new" world to an old "world".  ;-)

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