Monday, June 9, 2014

July 2012 Has Again Arrived In The Form Of Smile Tweets Reprised

I'm reposting previous Morning Meme-Ohs! Circa 2012: Over time these have evolved and hopefully improved, but this is just month of two of the experiment, which has now lasted two years+. It may continue to go on indefinitely or it may not.

For history about why I started this tweet odyssey, read

I begin with the latest one (as of this reprised posted date, June 9) to show you what they look like now. Then I round out all of my July 2012 "creative writing" tweets.

You'll also notice pictures I took during July, and some other creative writing or vignettes and such interspersed throughout. Please enjoy.

Now to July of 2012


Richard The Chwalek

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