Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Month of December 2012 Presents On The 25th…

The Month of December Presents On The 25th, A Hollow Day Of Gifs, Images Of Envisioned Sugarless Tums Filling Our Midsts
Our Driveway December 2012 - Snowy Sunset

I did a lot of off the wall 140 caricature writing this 12th month of the year 2012. I was able to leave some of it in here. The rest has been carted off to NSA headquarters for further evaluation because of possible error-witless threats to the English languish.

FYIHere's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got startedThe Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

Niche Dental
Morning Meme-Ohs
for December 2012

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