Thursday, September 18, 2014

Autumn 2012 Arrives Falling On Our October To…

Autumn 2012 Arrives Falling On Our October To Pick Things Up As September Leaves The Fest To Us

My Punned Title Gets Its Hit From This Pic
You will notice that this is a highly charged month of politicking. Obama's 2nd term is about to be verified. I apologize for any high charging I do myself. I've tried to avoid any kind of politics in the past year or so on my NicheDental Twitter, but some of my opinion-nations came out here in October of 2012 and in various places over the next few months or so.

That said, you'll also notice that the Morning MEme-Oh! or Morning Meme-o:) as it's shown here, is still not a rhyming vignette. I haven't looked ahead to see when it actually changes to 99% rhyming, but it must be soon.

FYIHere's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got startedThe Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

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