Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Falling On The End Of September Is The Beginning Of Autumn's Colors To Beautifully Remember

This guy was hiding underneath a bucket out back!
The month of September 2012 was nearly devoid of the rhyming now* evident in all Morning MEme-Oh! tweets I am doing now.

(*Sept 2014, when this compilation was being posted) 

I veered away from attempting to write "profound" statements or higher thought musings after awhile because I wanted a more creative and fun outlet for this vignette rather than something more serious. I do that in other areas, and I like it as a creative jumping off spot in the morning.

FYI: Here's the Morning Meme-Oh! Story if you want more background on how all this got started: The Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

• There are many other photos of mine below, scattered between the Meme-Oh! tweets:


BELOW Are All The MM-oh! Tweets of September 2012.


Richard The Chwalek (RTC)

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