Monday, October 20, 2014

March 2013 Comes Home, After Deer Eating Cantaloupe Poem, With A Bison Named…

March Comes Home, After Deer Eating Cantaloupe Poem, With A Bison Named Jerome, Where Once Heard This Bad Mini-Rhyme Tome
DaughtersBraces On • Braces Off

The photos found on this page are a mix of my hope for spring at the time, and the watching of winter still sting. Although I love winter when it's snowing, covered with deep snow, basically really winter!

About half the photos were not taken this month, and they are generally in order but not necessarily the exact day they were posted. I mixed them up some, rather than having two or three together.

PHOTO: My actor daughters in spring high school play, also on pinterest.

FYI: Here's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got started: The Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

Niche Dental
Morning Meme-Ohs
for March 2013

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