Monday, October 23, 2017

Morning MEme_Ohs! Past Week

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Morning MEme_Oh! Past Week

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nothing Can Compare To June In The Air, It Has A Great Flair…

Photo Taken June 22, 2013 by RTC
Next to Lake Maria State Park • NW On Clementa Road
Nothing Can Compare To June In The Air, It Has A Great Flair, Combined With The Sunset There, To Make Us All Stare, Until The Mosquitos Come To Share Their Itch Distilled Fare

Below you will find some early versions of my Morning Meme-Oh! from June 2013.  The vignette is tweeted in the morning, usually between 5:30am and 6:30am CDT.

Again, the Morning Meme-Oh! will expand to an everyday occurrence in a few short months, October most likely (once I compile, I'll know for sure).

SHORT STORIED STORY: Suss Or Sustenance, That Is The Indigestion…

When I was but a small child, I learned as a small child, and I was a small child until the day I wasn't, which is difficult to suss out without a susser. To be thorough, I did research to find an expert who assessed sussing but there happens to be no assessors for sussers. A sad outcome indeed Lou Reed.

Therefore, I will just say that I grew up to be who I am today. While this is obvious to some, I wanted to state it unequivocally, and unnervingly and irrevocably if at all likely. It is easy to use big, or rarely used, words and use them incorrectly, and I've done my best to excel, and accelerate, at it whenever possible or plausibly deniable.

Traits such as those noted above are undeniably helpful in obfuscating the truth of a matter that's matter of fact. Lacking much synaptic, syntactic and semantic grey matter can be freeing as well from the truth of the matters even back in the good old days when Jerry Mathers really mattered. As Eddie Haskell would say, "Oh no Mrs. Cleaver, I would never chop down a cherry tree or broom smack a Chim Chim Cher-ee!" Very few people know Eddie was virtually named Edsel (here) and was the illiterate son of a president who will remain remains. His biomedical parents were June Cleaver and Richard M. Watergate.

The likelihood the above story is true has little basis in fact, yet if you look closely there are many connections you could make if any conspiracies were ever true. I will posit that most conspiracies are true, especially and noncommittally the ones you have the most loyalty to. By siding with you, I have now put you in a state of anxiousness, sassafras, and illegitimacy as a viable citizen in this republic for which it stands on many oddball traits and confectionary treats.

I'm not ridiculing the person who believes a grassy troll shot a president or the Twin Towers actually fell down because of a ring Frodo found there. My stance on conspiracies is totally herbivorous and middle of the earthen road, and in no way would eschew sarcasm to offend your liberty to be patently conspiratorial in your inaccuracies and iniquities. I've never seen it as a vice to use elitism in defense of my spelling bees, one line zingers or satirical stingers to quell a mob of insoluble and indivisible lunartarians and their elk.

This ends my diatribal account of man's last step over the loon and into the bin.





Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Can I Say, It's 2013 In May, But On This New Day, My Heart I Will Obey, From A Straightened Arrow I Won't Stray, Pointed In Direction Of No Decay, And A Healthy Smile Display

What Can I Say, It's 2013 In May, But On This New Day, My Heart I Will Obey, From A Straightened Arrow I Won't Stray, Pointed In Direction Of No Decay and A Healthy Smile On Display

Snapping Through The Snow & Ice
Below you will find some early versions of my Morning Meme-Oh from September 2013!, which has changed to have a consistent rhyming theme in October and November of 2013, then purely rhymes in December of 2013. About that time it also became a once a day, every day of the month event rather than on weekdays alone. It took its present format, one rhyming word per line, on May 18, 2014, but I would later drop the My from the title, so as of this posting, it looked like this sample.

Before getting to my historical archive of tweets, I have the following little ditty.

Crossing The Threshold Of Climate Change

The world is being drastically changed by us. Besides what I've read, amazing and often devastating climatic changes are evident in things we see happening now that we have never seen before. The adjacent photo was taken in central Minnesota at Lake Maria State Park. The photo is a stunning example of the bizarre changes occurring. It was taken by me in late April of 2013.

The scene shows a snapping turtle crawling across a dirt road in the park. In the background a small body of water can be seen with significant ice still remaining on the surface. It is April 28, and ice is usually completely off small lakes by mid April or sooner. It would be another week or so before the ice was completely gone, almost a month after the normal thawing for this part of the state. I have been hiking and running in this park for over 20 years, every three days or so, and I am not aware of seeing turtles moving around when ice was still on the lake. While it may not be an odd event in the history of the world, it can be added to a much longer list of events including the most egregious examples like the melting of the glaciers and Hurricane Sandy that do seem to fit what climatologists have feared from manmade climate change.

Of course, at least some may question why ice on a lake would be part of global warming or climate change? While you should read other sources to get the real picture like this data and explanation from Skeptical Science, here is my take as far as I've been able to understand it.

First, both global warming and climate change are terms that only partially explain what is going on. Think of both terms together, and then you get a more complete picture of what is going on (than what you can from two terms). The climate is always changing, but it usually takes a very long time. For example, there are long term weather patterns like El Nino and El Nina that may cause some swings in the weather, which may only occur in 50 or 100 year patterns. That means many people may forget how it was then or just weren't alive when those changes occurred.

However, you must understand there is more than just one metric to follow beyond how hot or cold it is in one place. Among other things, you need to add in the rise in CO2 in the last 100 years, and that temperatures are rising faster than climatologist found in the fossil and sediment records. Temps have never risen so fast in such a short time, except maybe after sudden cataclysmic events like huge meteoroids hitting the earth, Yes, climate change "like this in many ways” may have happened in the past without cataclysmic events but that would have taken thousands of years. It would be like watching grass grow versus seeing a rocket takeoff. That is my analogy, not a scientific one, but think of any actual CLIMATE change in similar turns as no one could see this happen except if they lived 500 or more lifetimes at least.

Second, the reason we see lots of snow like in Buffalo, NY in late 2014, inches of snow in Temecula, California, and ice on a lake is because the rise in temperature is going to screw up the weather in various ways. Basically, winters may not go away for many decades (and probably not completely for 100s of years) but what will happen is wild swings in the weather rather than a consistent reduction of snow over time, like a slowly and evenly deflating air mattress.

Rather, expect it be like a climate balloon bouncing around, deflating, reflating and over inflating, while wreaking all kinds of havoc, like torrential rains, floods, and severe heatwaves as well as heavy snow. Amazing events which have never occurred before all together or in thousands of lifetimes. It may be that internal parts of the country may be more consistent than coastal states where the warming oceans affect things more quickly and drastically. Think some consistency depending on where, yet many wild swings almost everywhere at some point, but consistently worse over the decades.

Finally, remember it is NOT the weather we are concerned about but the climate. Animals and ecosystems can survive bad weather, but a drastic change in the climate over just a few decades or even a century or two can be like a slow motion cataclysmic event for them. Humans may be able to survive by going inside or digging underground, but these creatures and systems cannot change their "survivability code" to adapt that quickly. It is especially difficult for higher life forms or any with very strict boundaries like rainforest frogs, polar bears and such.

Once again, I am not a scientist, so I may be off in some of my comparisons, or even facts, but it's what I understand so far. I hope it helps you in some way to get, or start to get, your head around it if you were struggling up to this point.

Sincerely, RTC

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

April 2013 Arrives Like A Lamb, Made Into Mostly Ham, Handed Off To A Poetry Slam…

April 2013 Arrives Like A Lamb, Made Into Mostly Ham, Handed Off To A Poetry Slam, Causing Them To Say What A Sham, Wow He Should Undergo An Exam
Circa 2007 • when I was such a young lad

The photos found on this page are mixed like on the March 2013 version, some hoping for warmer days, most showing the colder, snowier ones. My daughter also took a few of them, at the beginning of the month, it was a trip to the Minnesota State Capitol.

In addition, I did some extend writing associated with the political nature of one of my daughter's photos.

PHOTO: My Fishing photo can also be found on pinterest.

FYI: Here's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got started: The Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

Niche Dental
Morning Meme-Ohs
for April 2013

Monday, October 20, 2014

March 2013 Comes Home, After Deer Eating Cantaloupe Poem, With A Bison Named…

March Comes Home, After Deer Eating Cantaloupe Poem, With A Bison Named Jerome, Where Once Heard This Bad Mini-Rhyme Tome
DaughtersBraces On • Braces Off

The photos found on this page are a mix of my hope for spring at the time, and the watching of winter still sting. Although I love winter when it's snowing, covered with deep snow, basically really winter!

About half the photos were not taken this month, and they are generally in order but not necessarily the exact day they were posted. I mixed them up some, rather than having two or three together.

PHOTO: My actor daughters in spring high school play, also on pinterest.

FYI: Here's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got started: The Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

Niche Dental
Morning Meme-Ohs
for March 2013

Friday, October 3, 2014

February Snuck Up On 2013 So Cheeky Keen Ready For A Valentines' Fourteen…

February Snuck Up On 2013 So Cheeky Keen Ready For A Valentines' Fourteen With Flowers Of Fluorescent Green

I was on a snow photography binge in this month. I also have an older photo, a summer pic, from the state park, which is near our house. In that tweet below, I mention how the sign's location in the picture seems incongruous with the wording on it.

And see the one where I show the duck house; there I made up a name for it. Hopefully, humorous and not just quirky, but I'll take quirky if that's all I can get.

PHOTO: Is our dog Bear, depicted in various scenes below as well.

FYI: Here's the "Morning Meme-Oh! Story" if you want more background on how all this got started: The Beginning of the Story Starts Towards the End.

Niche Dental
Morning Meme-Ohs
for February 2013